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Implement your APEX application into another website with IFRAME

Von Tobias Arnhold → 8.23.2008
To implement your APEX application into another website (for example an intranet) then you need to use the following iframe script in the html body section:
iframe src="YOUR_SERVER/pls/otn/f?p=APP_ID:PAGE_ID:SESSION_ID:::::" width="400" frameborder="0" height="150" frameborder="0"

Implementation of a flash movie (screen cast) into your APEX application

Von Tobias Arnhold → 8.13.2008
I would like to give a workaround about how to add screen casts into your APEX application.

Last month I got second place at the first ORACLE-APEX-AWARD in Germany and one of the optional requirements was a screen cast for a help system in the application.
Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to integrate it into my application.
After the competition I followed the interesting aspect about screen casts and the integration into APEX.

Here an example how to do it:

1. Create a new template page without any logos
  • Go “Shared Components” > Templates
  • Copy the “Printer Friendly” page and give a new template name like “Help_Page”
  • Edit the Template “Help_Page” > In the Body area there should be a value like: valign="top">#LOGO##REGION_POSITION_06#
  • Take away the value #LOGO#: valign="top">#REGION_POSITION_06#
2. Create a new empty page
3. Inside the new page go > edit page attributes > Display Attributes > Page Template > set “Help_Page”
4. Add this under the HTML Body Attributes (this will make the connection between your file and the page):

5. Upload the Flash file (.swf)
  • Shared Components > Static Files > Create
  • Browse > choose the *.swf file > Open
6. Add a new Navidation Bar and at the second page you need these values:
  • Target is a = URL
  • URL Target= javascript:void( 'f?p=&APP_ID.:YOUR_PAGE:&SESSION.:::::', 'popup', 'toolbar=no,width=1280,height=982, resizable=yes,top=40,scrollbars=yes'));

7. Click on your new navigation bar and the page with the flash movie in it should start.

How to handle item values in a region title

Von Tobias Arnhold → 8.12.2008
If you want to have a dynamic region title in your application you need to do the following steps:
  • Go to Edit Region > Identification > Title: "Headline: &P1_NAME." > Apply Changes

  • If you start your application now and the item :P1_NAME would have the value “Monster” it would look like that:

Ein paar Fakten über meine Person

Von Tobias Arnhold → 8.11.2008
Mein Name ist Tobias Arnhold. Ich möchte Ihnen meine Fähigkeiten und Aktivitäten in der Community in diesem Post kurz aufzeigen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie über mein Beraterprofil, dass ich Ihnen jederzeit zukommen lassen kann.


  1. Implementierung, Beratung und Projektleitung in den Bereichen
    1. Oracle Application Express (APEX, formals HTML DB)
    2. Oracle SQL und PL/SQL Programmierung
    3. Oracle Datenbankentwicklung und -design
    4. Schnittstellen (Webservices, Files, DB-Links)
    5. Migration 
      1. APEX 5
      2. Oracle REST
      3. Datenbankablösung (SQL Server, MySQL, Access, Excel)
  1. Business Intelligence
    1. Datamining-Analysen
      1. Fortgeschrittene SQL Analysetechniken
      2. SPSS Clementine
    2. Datensteuerungsprozesse
      1. SQL und PL/SQL
      2. SPSS Clementine
(Klassifizierung von 1 Nicht vorhanden - 10 Experte)
    1. Oracle SQL
    1. Oracle APEX
    1. Oracle PL/SQL
    1. HTML / CSS
    1. jQuery / Javascript
    1. SPSS Clementine
    1. JSON / XML
    1. Oracle REST & ORDS
    1. Oracle DB Administration
    1. MS Access und MS Excel
(Klassifizierung von 1 Sehr schlecht - 10 Sehr gut)
    1. Kommunikative Kompetenz
    1. Selbstbewusstsein
    1. Einfühlungsvermögen
    1. Teamfähigkeit
    1. Kritikfähigkeit
    1. Analytische Kompetenz
    1. Vertrauenswürdigkeit
    1. Selbstdisziplin/Selbstbeherrschung
    1. Neugierde
    1. Konfliktfähigkeit
    1. Durchsetzungsvermögen
Die Definition von dem jeweiligen Softskill finden Sie in diesem Artikel:
Die elf wichtigsten Soft Skills

  1. 2018   
    1. APEX Einführungsvortrag, TH Bingen (Bingen)
  2. 2017   
    1. Grafische Interaktion in webbasierten Geschäftsanwendungen, IT-Tage 2017 (Frankfurt)
    2. SVG in webbasierten Businessanwendungen, FH Trier (Trier)
    3. What is standard APEX?, POUG 2017 (Krakau)
    4. What is standard APEX?, SWEOUG - APEX Day 2017 (Stockholm)
    5. What is standard APEX?, Oracle Finland - APEX Day (Helsinki)
    6. #NextGEN - Erreiche die Mitarbeiter von Morgen!, DOAG APEX Connect (Berlin)
  3. 2016   
    1. SVG in APEX: Best Practices an Live Beispielen, DOAG Konferenz (Nürnberg)
    2. Working with interactive SVG graphics in APEX , Stockholm Oracle Meetup group (Stockholm)
    3. APEX Dashboard Competition, Stockholm Oracle Meetup group (Stockholm)
    4. Charts und Auswertungen in APEX, DOAG Usergruppe (Hamburg)
    5. Fortgeschrittene SQL Techniken in APEX, Video, DOAG APEX Connect (Berlin)
  4. 2015
    1. Die APEX 5 Migration – Universal Theme, DOAG Konferenz (Nürnberg)
    2. APEX & SQL The Reporting Solution, DOAG Konferenz (Nürnberg)
    3. APEX 5 Migration, APEX Summerschool
    4. APEX Plugins maßgerecht verwenden, DOAG APEX Connect (Düseldorf)
  5. 2014
    1. RaphaelJS – Interaktion mit grafischen Objekten in APEX, DOAG Konferenz (Nürnberg)
    2. APEX & Pivot Tabellen, DOAG Usergruppe (Frankfurt)
    3. Regeln für die Entwicklung von APEX Anwendungen, DOAG Development (Düsseldorf)
  6. 2012
    1. APEX & Pivot Tabellen – DOAG SIG Development (Karlsruhe)
    2. APEX Plugin Examples – DOAG Usergruppe (Dresden)
  7. 2011
    1. APEX Plugin Examples – DOAG Usergruppe (Frankfurt, Mannheim)
  1. 2017   
    1. DOAG #NextGEN - Vorstellung , Red Magazine (DOAG Zeitschrift)
  2. 2016   
    1. APEX Universal Theme - Die neuen Hürden mit dem Responsive Layout , Red Magazine (DOAG Zeitschrift)
  3. 2015   
    1. APEX Mythen, DOAG News Zeitschrift
  4. 2012   
    1. Erstellung eines APEX Plugins, DOAG News Zeitschrift

  1. 2017 
    1. Oracle ACE
  2. 2016 
    1. Oracle ACE Associate
    2. APEX.WORLD Member of the month: January
  3. 2009 
    1. Platz (4-12) Oracle APEX Developer Competition
  4. 2008 
    1. Platz 2 Oracle APEX Award

First apex-at-work blog

Von Tobias Arnhold → 8.10.2008
In my first blog I want to give a preview what you can expect from this blog in the future.

This blog spins around Oracle APEX and all you can imagine could have to do with it, for example:
  • SQL and PL/SQL
  • HTML and Javascript
  • Documentation and Help systems
These points will be the main parts of this blog:
  • Development solutions in the APEX environment
  • Guides and solutions with third party applications for your daily work in APEX
The first entry with real information will come up soon..