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APEX-AT-WORK no image

APEX CSV exports with strange line breaks inside

Von Tobias Arnhold → 1.13.2010
I came across a problem with line breaks inside my automatically generated csv export.
It had to do with some field values which had some line breaks inside. I updated the effected columns like that:

select replace(replace(my_column,CHR(10),' '),CHR(13),' ') AS column_without_line_breaks,
from tbl_test

An alternative way could be this:
RTRIM(my_column, CHR(10) || CHR(13))
APEX-AT-WORK no image

Set up the SQL Developer layout/environment in English

Von Tobias Arnhold →
Just a short hint for those who wants to use the SQL Developer in an English environment.

You have to edit the following file:

It's important to add these two lines:
AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

IncludeConfFile ../../ide/bin/ide.conf

SetJavaHome ../../jdk

AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG=true

AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false


AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

AddVMOption -XX:MaxPermSize=128M

IncludeConfFile sqldeveloper-nondebug.conf