Using CSS in APEX pages and regions

Von Tobias Arnhold 9.02.2008
If you want to use your own style sheets in your application here an example how to do it:
  • Go Edit Page Attributes --> HTML Header --> Add css text and Apply Changes

  • Go Edit Region --> Title: <h1 >Headline </h1 > and Apply Changes

In my case I made a select list item with a list of values to change the css in the page title dynamically.
In my example application you can see how it would look:

Edited 07.10.2008:
I had the problem in one of my headlines that I wanted to use some text with bold and some without. It always put in a line break in between the title.
How to avoid that:
  • Go Edit Page Attributes --> HTML Header --> Add css text for the span command
  • Go Edit Region --> Title: <h1>Headline: <span>(Detailed information)</span> </h1>

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