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AJAX based select list in APEX - Part 2

Von Tobias Arnhold 3.01.2010
I couple of days ago I wrote about a way using AJAX based select lists in APEX.
After some hints from Peter Raganitsch I tried the ApexLib Framework but I run into some issues with ExtJS.
Error message:
vFieldValue is undefined
populateLovField(Object { name="pFieldId"}, Object { name="pLovEntry"})ApexLib_Full.js
populateDependingLovs(Object { name="pFieldId"})ApexLib_Full.js
(?)(Object { name="pEvent"})ApexLib_Full.js
vAjaxRequest.add(pLovEntry.oUsedFi...ace(/\:/g, String.fromCharCode(1)));

Error part where somehow an ExtJS function got called:

vAjaxRequest.add(pLovEntry.oUsedFieldList[ii], vFieldValue.replace(/\:/g, String.fromCharCode(1)));

I found another solution from Carl Backstrom: Ajax Selects
I modified his script a bit and used it in my environment.

Using the ApexLib would have been much easier luckily I just had a really small application.

Good for us that APEX 4.0 will solve these problems by a new standard feature:
Oracle APEX 4.0: Cascading LOVs/Select Lists