Difficult use of BI Publisher inside APEX

Von Tobias Arnhold 2.08.2012
Are you using BI Publisher inside APEX? Do you have a lot of "Report Layouts" inside your application? Did ever need to update them? If yes, then you know about the issue. You can't update a RTF template file. You need to delete it and create a new one. Afterwards you need to reset the "Report Query".
You find the BI Publisher integration under Shared Components > Report > Report Layouts
You don't have any update button inside this mask.  

APEX mentioned the following standard way to proceed:
Named column report layouts are file based. To change, download the current file using the download button on this page, then modify the file as needed. Afterwards, upload the modified file as a new report layout.  

There are still problems left:
1. If you just create new file, you will need to assign it to your "Report Query".
2. After you assigned the new template, the old one needs to be deleted or you get a mess of templates.  

Please APEX-Team make those files update-able. It would make the developer life much easier.

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