I'm currently have some questions about TABULAR FORM validations. I my questions inside the APEX forum: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2407939
1. I only want that a select list entry get selected ones not several times. It must be some kind of validation check. Is there any example available?
2. If a select list value is already set within a row then this id should not be displayed in any other row anymore.
For question one I found an answer myself. This is a validation based on the idea from Denes Kubicek.
1. I only want that a select list entry get selected ones not several times. It must be some kind of validation check. Is there any example available?
2. If a select list value is already set within a row then this id should not be displayed in any other row anymore.
For question one I found an answer myself. This is a validation based on the idea from Denes Kubicek.
-- Validation of Type: Function Returning Error Text DECLARE l_facility_ids varchar2(32000); l_facility_bez varchar2(200); l_error VARCHAR2 (4000); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f07.COUNT -- select list with facilities LOOP IF instr(':'||l_facility_ids||':',':'||apex_application.g_f07(i)||':')>0 THEN select description into l_facility_bez from facilities where id = apex_application.g_f07(i); l_error := l_error || '</br>' || 'Row ' || i || ': facility"' || l_facility_bez ||'" is already selected.'; END IF; l_facility_ids := l_facility_ids ||':'|| apex_application.g_f07(i); END LOOP; RETURN LTRIM (l_error, '</br>'); END;Is there an workaround for question two available?