
Oracle SQL regular expression - check for numbers or special characters

Von Tobias Arnhold 1.16.2015
We all know the regular expression syntax is fast and you can do amazing things with little code snippets. But we do know as well that whenever you need it then you have no idea how to write it down. To be able to find a solution for your problem you use the WWW.

So here you have another example you may need one day. :)
I had to check a string for special characters and numbers. In those cases the rows should be highlighted.

Here is a simple example how to do it:
 val as txt, 
  when regexp_like(val, '[[:cntrl:]]| |[[[:digit:]]|[[:punct:]]') 
  then 'Error' 
  else 'Ok'
  end as type
 select 1 as rn, '123' as val from dual
 union all
 select 2 as rn, 'xxxxx' as val from dual
 union all
 select 3 as rn, 'acbAaaBBB' as val from dual
 union all
 select 4 as rn, 'acb Aaa BBB' as val from dual
 union all
 select 5 as rn, '#abc' as val from dual
order by rn

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