If you want to disable the "Richt Text Editor" inside APEX and still show everything in the right HTML format.
Just add this code snippet inside the "Page Footer Text":
<script> /* HowtTo: http://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=15659 */ $(document).ready( function() { ( function() { var cancelEvent = function( evt ) { evt.cancel(); }; CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.readOnly = function( isReadOnly ) { /* Turn off contentEditable. */ this.document.$.body.disabled = isReadOnly; CKEDITOR.env.ie ? this.document.$.body.contentEditable = !isReadOnly : this.document.$.designMode = isReadOnly ? "off" : "on"; /* Prevent key handling. */ this[ isReadOnly ? 'on' : 'removeListener' ]( 'key', cancelEvent, null, null, 0 ); this[ isReadOnly ? 'on' : 'removeListener' ]( 'selectionChange', cancelEvent, null, null, 0 ); /* Disable all commands in wysiwyg mode. */ var command, commands = this._.commands, mode = this.mode; for ( var name in commands ) { command = commands[ name ]; isReadOnly ? command.disable() : command[ command.modes[ mode ] ? 'enable' : 'disable' ](); this[ isReadOnly ? 'on' : 'removeListener' ]( 'state', cancelEvent, null, null, 0 ); } } } )(); setTimeout ('CKEDITOR.instances.<YOUR_APEX_ITEM>.readOnly( true )',1000); }); </script>The result will look like this: