A new year brought me some new tasks. I had to take over a generic Excel import and the customer wanted some extension by checking if the join on the master tables were successful.
Unfortunate we were talking about a generic solution which meant that all the configuration was saved inside tables including the LOV-tables which were saved as simple select statements.
Show all import rows/values which were not fitting towards the master data.
How did I fix it?
Source of LOV data:
Source of import data:
I made a little abstract data model so that you understand what I mean:
I have two tables "I_DATA" including the values from the import and "I_DYNAMIC_SQL" including the LOV statements.
1. Fast
2. Easy to understand
3. Not tons of code
What I needed was some kind of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE returning table rows instead of single values. With pipeline functions I was able to do it:
Now I just had to create a SQL statement doing the job for me:
Unfortunate we were talking about a generic solution which meant that all the configuration was saved inside tables including the LOV-tables which were saved as simple select statements.
Show all import rows/values which were not fitting towards the master data.
How did I fix it?
Source of LOV data:
Source of import data:
I made a little abstract data model so that you understand what I mean:
I have two tables "I_DATA" including the values from the import and "I_DYNAMIC_SQL" including the LOV statements.
-- ddl CREATE TABLE "I_DYNAMIC_SQL" ( "ID" NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE, "SQL_STATEMENT" VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT "I_DYNAMIC_SQL_PK" PRIMARY KEY ("ID") USING INDEX ENABLE ) ; CREATE TABLE "I_DATA" ( "ID" NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE, "DATA_VALUE" VARCHAR2(1000), "DYNAMIC_SQL_ID" NUMBER, "DATA_GROUP" VARCHAR2(20), CONSTRAINT "I_DATA_PK" PRIMARY KEY ("ID") USING INDEX ENABLE ) ; -- data REM INSERTING into I_DATA SET DEFINE OFF; Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (1,'Jonas',1,'G1'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (2,'Sven',1,'G2'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (3,'Annika',1,'G3'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (4,'Jens',1,'G4'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (5,'FH Trier',2,'G1'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (6,'TH Bingen',2,'G1'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (7,'FH Trier',2,'G2'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (8,'TH Bingen',2,'G2'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (9,'Frankfurt UAS',2,'G3'); Insert into I_DATA (ID,DATA_VALUE,DYNAMIC_SQL_ID,DATA_GROUP) values (10,'TH Bingen',2,'G4'); REM INSERTING into I_DYNAMIC_SQL SET DEFINE OFF; Insert into I_DYNAMIC_SQL (ID,SQL_STATEMENT) values (1,'select d,r from ( select ''Jonas'' as d, 1 as r from dual union all select ''Sven'' as d, 2 as r from dual union all select ''Jens'' as d, 3 as r from dual union all select ''Annika'' as d, 4 as r from dual )'); Insert into I_DYNAMIC_SQL (ID,SQL_STATEMENT) values (2,'select d, r from ( select ''FH Trier'' as d, 1 as r from dual union all select ''TH Bingen'' as d, 2 as r from dual )');It actually took some time to find a solution fitting my needs.
1. Fast
2. Easy to understand
3. Not tons of code
What I needed was some kind of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE returning table rows instead of single values. With pipeline functions I was able to do it:
create or replace package i_dynamic_sql_pkg as /* LOV type */ type rt_dynamic_lov is record ( display_value varchar2(4000), return_value number ); type type_dynamic_lov is table of rt_dynamic_lov; function get_dynamic_lov ( p_lov_id number ) return type_dynamic_lov pipelined; end; create or replace package body i_dynamic_sql_pkg as /* global variable */ gv_custom_err_message varchar2(4000); /* Function to return dynamic lov as table */ function get_dynamic_lov ( p_lov_id number ) return type_dynamic_lov pipelined is row_data rt_dynamic_lov; type cur_lov is ref cursor; c_lov cur_lov; e_statement_exist exception; v_sql varchar2(4000); begin -- 'Exception check - read select statement'; select max(sql_statement) into v_sql from i_dynamic_sql where id = p_lov_id; -- 'Exception check - result'; if v_sql is null then gv_custom_err_message := 'Error occured. No list of value found.'; raise e_statement_exist; end if; -- 'Loop dynamic SQL statement'; open c_lov for v_sql; loop fetch c_lov into row_data.display_value, row_data.return_value; exit when c_lov%notfound; pipe row(row_data); end loop; close c_lov; exception when e_statement_exist then rollback; /* apex_error.add_error( p_message => gv_custom_err_message , p_display_location => apex_error.c_inline_in_notification ); */ raise_application_error(-20001, gv_custom_err_message); when others then raise; end; end;
Now I just had to create a SQL statement doing the job for me:
-- ddl select da.data_group, da.data_value, /* check if a return value exist */ case when lov.display_value is not null then 'OK' else 'ERROR' end as chk_lov_data_row, /* apply error check for the whole group */ case when min(case when lov.display_value is not null then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by da.data_group) = 0 then 'ERROR' else 'OK' end as chk_lov_data_group from i_data da /* Join on my pipeline function including the dynamic sql id */ left join table(i_dynamic_sql_pkg.get_dynamic_lov(da.dynamic_sql_id)) lov on (da.data_value = lov.display_value) order by da.data_group, da.dynamic_sql_id, da.data_value;