I added a new feature request for APEX:
APEX 5.1 with support for all available JET Data Visualizations Charts
APEX 5.1 will include a new charting engine based on the new Javascript Framework "Oracle JET". Unfortunately APEX 5.1 will only include those charts from the JET website (http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/uiComponents-dataVisualizations.html) which are supported in the current version of APEX. For example the "Spark Chart" or the "Timeline" will not be part of APEX 5.1 This request has the purpose that APEX 5.1 will support every single available JET chart.
Available Charts:
If you like APEX and want to have more default charting functionality in the future then please support my request:
Feature AM06 - APEX 5.1 with support for all available JET Data Visualizations Charts
APEX 5.1 with support for all available JET Data Visualizations Charts
APEX 5.1 will include a new charting engine based on the new Javascript Framework "Oracle JET". Unfortunately APEX 5.1 will only include those charts from the JET website (http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/uiComponents-dataVisualizations.html) which are supported in the current version of APEX. For example the "Spark Chart" or the "Timeline" will not be part of APEX 5.1 This request has the purpose that APEX 5.1 will support every single available JET chart.
Available Charts:
Feature AM06 - APEX 5.1 with support for all available JET Data Visualizations Charts