Kostenpflichtige Erweiterungen für APEX

Von Tobias Arnhold 11.04.2015
Bei dem letzten APEX Meetup in Frankfurt kam eine Frage zur Erweiterbarkeit von APEX auf.
Hierbei ging es darum zu klären was sich besser eignet:
  - Kaufsoftware
  - Opensource Software
  - Eigenentwicklung

Die Frage was sich besser eignet hängt von unterschiedlichen Faktoren ab, die ich nicht Heute im Detail erklären werde.

Ziel im heutigen Blogpost ist es, eine vollständige Liste an möglicher Kaufsoftware Erweiterungen für APEX aufzuzeigen, ohne eine Wertung der jeweiligen Software Lösung vorzunehmen.

Info: Die einzelnen Beschreibungen stammen von der jeweiligen Software Webseite.

As of version 2.1.0 the FOEX Plugin Framework consists of 116 plugins which have been engineered to work together or individually. Using the standard Plugin Interface of Oracle APEX the plugin framework provides a very rich set of web components and interactions that are easy to use and fast to create. What makes the plugins so fast and easy to use is that they encapsulate the client UI and servside processing to virtually eliminate any coding requirement.

SmartPivot Plug-in
The APEX SmartPivot Plug-in is an Oracle Application Express Plug-in that adds those reporting features to your application which, till now, made users export APEX report data to Excel. 

APEX Office Print
APEX Office Print makes printing in Oracle Application Express (APEX) a lot easier. Make a template in Office, choose data from a database and merge them into one. You can easily print the result with office or PDF and have your document in no time. It saves you time and effort by creating templates in which you can integrate your data.

Social Authentication
All you need to do is import that plugin into your application and activate the new authentication scheme. From there on your users can log in with their Google, Facebook or LinkedIn credentials.

IR Plugin Package
This is a collection of APEX 4.0 plugins designed to improve the layout of interactive reports. The package currently consists of 3 dynamic action plugins which have been designed to work together or independent of each other.

Multiple File Upload Plugin
This is an APEX 4.1+ plugin to upload one or more files at a time to either a:
    Database Table
    APEX Collection
    File System Directory

APEX Themes
Our stock APEX themes are built from scratch to the highest standards and are extensively tested in multiple browsers to ensure maximum compatibility.

Print Reports for APEX
4L FO Designer is a visual editor to create XSL-FO files to be used with APEX. he J4L FOP Server is an standalone print server for Oracle APEX.

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