Just a simple example how easy APEX can handle this kind of problem.
We have today the 06.11.2015 (11-06-2015) and we have two date values 01.11.2015 and 30.11.2015.
Now I want to know how much time has past in percent since the beginning (01.11.2015):
Result: 17 %
SQL Source:
Now just a little column optimization
and the result looks like this "Time past between two date values in percent":
We have today the 06.11.2015 (11-06-2015) and we have two date values 01.11.2015 and 30.11.2015.
Now I want to know how much time has past in percent since the beginning (01.11.2015):
Result: 17 %
SQL Source:
select date_from, date_until, case when trunc(sysdate) < trunc(date_from) then -- not started '0 %' when trunc(sysdate) > trunc(date_until) then -- end reached '100 %' else -- percent value trim(to_char(round(((trunc(sysdate) - trunc(date_from))/(trunc(date_until)- trunc(date_from)))*100,0))) || ' %' end IN_PERCENT_VALUE, case when trunc(sysdate) < trunc(date_from) then 0 when trunc(sysdate) > trunc(date_until) then 100 else round(((trunc(sysdate) - trunc(date_from))/(trunc(date_until)- trunc(date_from)))*100,0) end IN_PERCENT from ( select to_date('01'||to_char(sysdate,'mm.yyyy'),'dd.mm.yyyy') as date_from, last_day(trunc(sysdate)) as date_until from dual union all select to_date('01'||to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'mm.yyyy'),'dd.mm.yyyy') as date_from, last_day(trunc(add_months(sysdate,-1))) as date_until from dual union all select to_date('01'||to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'mm.yyyy'),'dd.mm.yyyy') as date_from, last_day(trunc(add_months(sysdate,+1))) as date_until from dual union all select to_date('01'||to_char(add_months(sysdate,+1),'mm.yyyy'),'dd.mm.yyyy') as date_from, last_day(trunc(add_months(sysdate,+2))) as date_until from dual union all select to_date('01'||to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'mm.yyyy'),'dd.mm.yyyy') as date_from, trunc(sysdate+2) as date_until from dual --union all ) order by date_from, date_until
Now just a little column optimization
and the result looks like this "Time past between two date values in percent":